The Rubber Legs Rendezvous is an opportunity for people to come together and support the ministry of Camp Fairwood through this fundraising event. Participants gather sponsors in the days leading […]
Whatever your skill level, we have a project for you! Here is a weekend specifically planned for your family, friends, church, or youth group to help the camp. As a way for us to say thanks for your service to us, we will provide supper on Friday night, overnight housing, and breakfast and lunch on […]
Summer is right around the corner! Your family is invited to spend some time away at Camp Fairwood before the busy summer schedule starts. Here, families can enjoy time relaxing at the beach, hiking miles of trails, participating in exciting activities, and eating delicious food. Chapel sessions will also be held, making this a time […]
God often commands believers to be fervently continuing in prayer (Col 4:2, 1 Thess 5:17, Matt 6:5-15). Following His teaching on prayer in Matthew 6, Jesus then instructs His followers on how they are to be fasting. Yet, in our busy, fast paced society, it can be extremely difficult to find a distraction free time […]